How Jabong Dropped The Ball In Its Battle With Myntra

On July 26th, Gaurav Alagh, a former journalist turned entrepreneur, was having a bit of a bad day and he was getting rilled up on Twitter. His navy blue polo T-shirt hadn't come in, which he had ordered from fashion…

The Life Of A Startup After A Devaluation

India’s biggest technology startups are finally getting a taste of devaluation. For the last couple of years, India was flooded with venture capital money, which helped several tech companies become unicorns—startups valued at over $1 billion. But now, some of…

Caught In The Big Sale

Sure eTailing is growing by leaps and bounds. But eTailers are booking more losses than profits. Deep discounts and returns are a downward spiral they can’t pull out of  by Vishal Krishna & Abraham C. Mathews This scene repeats every…