Jio Ready With 5G Solution, Ropes In Google For Affordable Smartphone

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Mukesh Ambani unveiled his blueprint to build a complete technology ecosystem around Jio Platforms that includes developing India’s first 5G network solutions and affordable 4G smartphones in partnership with global giants such as Facebook, Qualcomm, Intel and Google.

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“The decision by Google to invest in Jio is a game changer for both companies on many layers spanning devices, search, apps and commerce.

On devices, Google had launched AndroidOne, a light-weight OS, a few years ago that had failed to deliver and Jio’s reach can plug those gaps.

Google’s leadership in community apps (read search, voice, and collaboration apps) alongside Jio’s prowess in connectivity and commerce means a much greater ability to win and own marketshare across consumers types and network of retailers. For instance Google maps can be significantly leveraged to improve last mile delivery which can be a significant differentiator in the eCommerce segment.

Net net, this is a marriage of equals and hence of massive possibilities. Both parties bring suitable strengths on the table and are well positioned to deliver on the promise of growth.

Having said that, the partnership between Google and Jio when assessed more broadly alongside other investors and partners like Facebook and Microsoft is a reminder that since these companies also compete in many areas including video conferencing they will need tread rather carefully.

Also, given all these players are also market leaders, they can potentially and collectively dominate the digital market which can mean a certain section of population rightfully also having concerns with data collection and monetisation practices. This is an area that will need much focus and effort on Jio’s part to ensure it can deal with such concerns” said Sanchit Vir Gogia, founder and CEO of Greyhound Research.

[Hindu Business Line]

P.S.: For more information on the recent investments, value that each investor brings to Jio Platforms, engagement with Microsoft, impact on Bharti Airtel, and the challenges the company can expect, read this research report by Greyhound Research.

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<strong>Analyst: Sanchit Vir Gogia</strong>
Analyst: Sanchit Vir Gogia

Sanchit is the Chief Analyst, Founder & CEO of Greyhound Research, a Global, Award-Winning, Digital & Technology Research & Advisory firm.

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