The Big Race For TikTok In India: What’s In It For The Buyer?

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In the US, TikTok might be on the last legs of negotiation to find itself an American buyer but the big race is on In India. While several names like Microsoft, Twitter,  Reliance Jio and now Oracle have come to the forefront as possible suitors for TikTok’s largest market India, jury is still out on who makes the cut for the best buyer in India. Experts believe that whoever gets to sign the deal with ByteDance, gets a readymade mix of access and reach to monetize from.

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According to Sanchit Vir Gogia, chief analyst & CEO, Greyhound Research, for a brand to acquire TikTok in the Indian mainland, it should not only be an Indian company of repute but should also have solid India investments in infrastructure.

“The brand should also have the money to invest for a while and stay invested for ROI over course of time. It needs a dedicated user base that will find this valuable. The buyer should essentially have the ability to work the system to ensure policy fitment and certainly have a portfolio of internet-based products or services that can be cross-leveraged,” he said.

“Most of the criteria rules out the American names that are doing the rounds as prospective suitors for TikTok in India and makes the pitch stronger for Reliance Jio,” he added.

Talks of whether Oracle, who is allegedly closest to inking a deal with ByteDance for TikTok’s operations in the US, could also look at India have been rubbished by experts.

Besides the issue of data theft and misuse impacting national security, the ban of Chinese apps in India is also closely linked to the geo-political affairs and the recent battle that ensued on the India-China border. “Hence, Oracle won’t cut the demands of the government,” Gogia said.

For a more detailed report on this topic, please see this link:

<strong>Analyst: Sanchit Vir Gogia</strong>
Analyst: Sanchit Vir Gogia

Sanchit is the Chief Analyst, Founder & CEO of Greyhound Research, a Global, Award-Winning, Digital & Technology Research & Advisory firm.

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