
近日,全球最大零售巨頭沃爾瑪以30億美元現金和3億美元沃爾瑪股票的價格收購了美國電商公司Jet.com。該筆交易將推動沃爾瑪電商業務的發展,使其在電商領域更具競爭力。此次沃爾瑪收購Jet.com將幫助該公司更接近電商業務的終極目標:擊敗亞馬遜。雙方在電商領域的較量會影響到印度嗎? 而IT行業研究諮詢公司Greyhound Research的CEO戈吉亞(Sanchit Vir Gogia)並不認同斯里瓦斯塔瓦的看法,他認為沃爾瑪需要花費一段時間才能走出美國市場,公司的當務之急在於平穩地完成對Jet的收購。 Source: hksilicon.com | cnad.com | weiot.net | wxrw123.com |

Should Flipkart & Amazon Watch Out For Ecommerce Competition From Walmart?

With the acquisition of Jet.com, the year-old US based ecommerce startup, Walmart Stores Inc. made its way into ecommerce. Its entry into the lucrative online retail market came at an expense of $3 billion (to acquire Jet.com). On the other…