Wipro May Drop Plan To Bill Senior Leaders

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Wipro’s chief executive Thierry Delaporte is moving away from an earlier initiative of accounting senior leaders for the work they do with clients.Instead, the new focus will allow them to drive teams to ensure faster growth.

The plans may be aimed at making a leader responsible for a certain revenue stream, said Sanchit Vir Gogia, chief executive of Greyhound Research, but may have its limitations. 

“When you grow in the order in an IT organisation, you typically have sales or delivery excellence targets. Whether you are directly billable or not, every resource, except for sales, is billable in some way or the other and always has a target. At the same time, a leader being assigned to a certain client is highly unlikely as their expertise can be used across multiple clients,” Gogia said.

Billing senior leaders could have brought with it some challenges. 

“Once you start making a senior leader compliant or billable to one particular client, there may be clauses restricting that person from working with a competitive client,” he said. 

Economic Times

<strong>Analyst: Sanchit Vir Gogia</strong>
Analyst: Sanchit Vir Gogia

Sanchit is the Chief Analyst, Founder & CEO of Greyhound Research, a Global, Award-Winning, Digital & Technology Research & Advisory firm.

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