Infy Q2 Results: Analysts Expect Concrete Guidance, Stability

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Ahead of Infosys’ second-quarter earnings announcement, analysts expect the outcome of the board meeting to reflect on long-term stability in the business along with short-term confidence-building measures like a date for share buyback and employees’ salary hike.

“The Infosys Board has two key issues to manage currently — one, ensuring stability by way of managing stakeholder sentiment and two, offering visibility by way of sharing concrete guidance,” Greyhound Knowledge Group CEO and Chief Analyst Sanchit Vir Gogia told PTI.

He further said while multiple short-term tactics like share buyback, employees salary hikes and active client conversations can be expected to ensure stability, it is the concrete guidance that needs most focus and work.

“While visibility on the new CEO announcement is important, we at Greyhound believe Infosys board must also offer concrete guidance on the company’s stand on some of the initiatives that were launched in Vishal’s term, steps being taken to ensure development of mid-management and reduce senior level exists and most importantly reforms that are either already being executed or planned to ensure zero governance issues in the future,” Gogia said.

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Sanchit Vir Gogia: Sanchit is the Chief Analyst, Founder & CEO of Greyhound Knowledge Group, a Global Strategy & Transformation Research, Advisory & Consulting Firm. To read more about him, click here.

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